Sources of Information in Gupta Period

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Sources of Information in Gupta Period

Sources of Information Gupta Period: Various sources of Gupta Empire available today are literary sources, nurmismatic or archaeological sources and epigraphical sources.according to these sources,Gupta dynasty was founded in 300 Ad by Sri Gupta and it ended in 550 AD.

There are several sources to help narrate the story of the Guptas.

Literary Sources- Both plays and travelogues give a portrayal of the period. Works by writers like Vishakhadatta and Shudraka give us insight into life in the Gupta Age. Faxian, the Chinese Buddhist traveler, described in his writing the social and religious conditions of India during these times.

Inscriptions-There is a wealth of inscription belonging to the Gupta period, in a variety of places that reveal the achievements of the rulers.

Seals and Coins- Several seals and coins belonging to this period have been found, which offer us a glimpse into the age of the Guptas.

Art and Monuments- The Gupta Age produced masterpieces in arts, the most notable being the beautiful image of Buddha at Mathura. For the first time, we see the emergence of temples and also images of Vishnu and other deities.

Prashastis and what they tell us: Inscription on the Ashokan pillar at Allahabad is of a special kind known as a prashasti, a Sanskrit word, meaning ‘in praise of’. While Prashastis were composed for some of the rulers. Such as Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni, they became far more important from the time of the Guptas.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

The Gupta period is generally regarded as a classic peak of North ______ for all the major religious groups .

Right Option : A
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Question : 2

The early Gupta gold and silver coins were based on the coins of the __________________

Right Option : B
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Question : 3

In which of the following information, what is not furnished to us by Fa - Hien with regard to the Gupta period ?

Right Option : C
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